Monday, March 19, 2012

Design is the pathos that marries logos and ethos

I absolutely love this article from Len Wilson:
“In most people’s vocabularies, design means veneer. But to me, nothing could be further from the meaning of design. Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers.”
- Steve Jobs
I re-read this several times in the Steve Jobs biography to fully absorb it. I even trimmed it down a bit to this:
“Design is not the veneer but the soul of a creation, expressed in successive outer layers.”
In other words, most dismiss design as the icing of a core object or idea. A sweet but inessential finish. As the biography points out, in most other companies, engineering drives design. Those who make the product determine what the product will do first, then base its design on its features. They employ an outside-in approach.  read more

Saturday, January 28, 2012

What I didn't know I didn't know.

I feel that this title is the best descriptor for what I expect to learn from seminary. I have been doing the readings for my classes that begin next week and already I have learned things that I had no idea I didn't know. I expect most of these revelations to come from my history classes, but this one came from a book I'm reading for my Christian Public Worship class. The book is called Foundations of Christian Worship. I came across a section entitled "The historical foundations of Christian worship". One part I found particularly interesting was about how knowing the history of worship helps to understand the present. Here is the section that was struck by:

"There have been many decisions taken about worship in the past that still impinge on today's worship, and many historical 'accidents' that have become enshrined in our contemporary common prayer and its environment. Sometimes later generations, having forgotten the original reason something was said or done, have offered quite a different interpretation. One example will suffice. Various explanations are generally given for the presence in most churches of a fence around the Communion Table (called either the 'alter rail' or, more properly, the 'Communion rail'). It is said that this barrier was originally designed to mark out a holy space around the Lord's Table, and to allow parishioners to kneel reverently while receiving the Communion bread and wine. But the original purpose goes back to the late Middle Ages, when churches functioned not only as places for worship, but also as public meeting places, centers for local commerce and social interaction. 

One significant problem, however, was the presence in churches of dogs, who found the gathering a profitable place to scavenge for food. Without suitable barriers, it was likely that the Communion bread would become dog food, and fences with closely set upright posts were put in place in response. Gradually, the problem of canine infestation declined, but the fences remained. As the memory of their original purpose faded, successive generations of worshipers sought more pious explanations for the presence of Communion rails, and those explanations have largely survived to the present day. To suggest that an important feature of our contemporary church architecture is the result of unwelcome invasions of medieval dogs may be distressing to some. But without a knowledge of history we are likely to continue perpetrating sentimental and inaccurate information. Everything that happens in Christian worship has a history, and to learn that history not only equips us for intelligent participation, but also connects us with the faith of our Christian forbears."

I found this to be absolutely fascinating. Some things lose their meaning when you know the whole history, and some gain meaning and significance. For example, when you know how a magician performs an illusion, the trick looses its ability to entertain and mystify the audience. However, I don't think that's what this story has done for me. For me it makes it all more real and genuine. I am very fickle about tradition. I went to Texas A&M University, and so tradition runs deep in my heart and there are some things that you just don't make fun of around me because they are so incredibly important. Muster is one of these things. However, there are also several traditions that A&M has that I don't particularly care for. The yell "Kyle Field" is one of these. If you're not an Aggie, don't worry about it, but if you are, please tell someone that bringing back this yell was a bad idea, and there's a reason we stopped using it.

In the church there are an incredible amount of traditions. I have worked in many churches and over the years I have fought both for and against certain traditions. One of the things that can frustrate me is when I ask why something is being done and the response is, "because that's how we've always done it". That may be true, but if there is no meaning beyond that, then can we accept that there may exist a better way? For other traditions there is immense meaning. These are some of the traditions that I love to fight for. Ones that are right, just and designed to bring people closer to God. I love that we have alter rails because hundreds of years ago, we needed a way to keep dogs away from the bread. To anyone who has ever planed a worship service, this resonates. I have made more changes and additions to worship for logistical concerns than for anything else. For example, don't put candles too low and close to the Communion elements, or the pastor's robe is likely to catch on fire. This happened last month in the church I used to work at. Why they make pastoral robes so flammable is beyond my understanding.

While I love this history, it is also a reason why I'm not afraid to remove alter rails from a worship space if they serve no other purpose than the fact that we've always had alter rails. I love to kneel and pray at the alter, but that's not always a part of every worship service. To build a new sanctuary and construct alter rails and pulpits that cannot be moved or removed is a mistake because it limits your ability to diversify worship to meet the needs of a specific congregation at a specific time.

I love alter rails, but I'm also not afraid to have a worship service without them. At the end of the day, they're dog fences. I pray that you explore the history of things that matter to you. How was your church started? How was your denomination started? How was the Bible put together? It doesn't have to end at religious affairs either, but it has to start somewhere. Don't settle for "I don't know" and don't let our society make you ignorant. At least get a wiki-understanding of things. It's not the best resource but it's a fair start.

You never know what you don't know.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Mapping Connections -Prayer Station

I had the honor to design the worship services and prayer room for PSYM (Perkins School of Youth Ministry) earlier this month. I thought I would post the directions and photos of the stations I created that were in the prayer room for anyone interested in duplicating or being inspired by them for your own ministry setting. Here's the first one:

Mapping Connections:
Supplies:  List of cities attendees are from (optional), glue dots, buttons (so that the map could be reused without holes -push pins would be another option), laminated map (I always like to use laminated when I can so that it can be reused), package tags (or scrap paper), pens, Instructions
Set-Up: Map with buttons where people are from already attached (optional - I did not pre-pin for this event)
Directions: Often we are connected to people and don’t even realize it. Take a moment to look at the pins on the map. Do you have a connection to one of the cities other then were you are from? Is someone else from a city that you’ve taken a mission trip to or that you were born in or went to school in? Write your connection on a piece of paper and pin it near the city on the map. Say a prayer for the person from there. Check back again to see who else has made connections.

Please feel free to borrow and tweak these stations for your own group. Make comments to let me know how they've worked in your context.

Monday, October 17, 2011

All Church Worship

We just gathered our three morning services together into one worship celebration for the reopening of our renovated sanctuary. This includes asking folks who like to go to church at 8:30 to wait until 10:30. For contemporary folks and traditional folks to join together, oh my!
When I arrived at Spring Valley "combined" worship didn't have the best reputation with a lot of folks. In what I find to be the unfortunately typically experience with combined worship everyone compromises and no one is fulfilled. My goal has been to find 1) appropriate reasons to bring the whole church together and when not to. 2) how to combine worship where everyone feels uplifted and renewed. I think we succeeded this week in 1, and made progress in 2 but could still do better. We succeeded in goal 1 because the whole church was invested in the sanctuary renovation; because the Bishop was preaching and because everyone changed a little. The order was unique, there were songs from both and neither musical styles we're use to, the time was unique to everyone. So many people were involved in the endeavor that it really felt like our church service -no matter who you are. Woohoo!
Just as type the last line, I remember my 2nd goal. Was our all church worship really fully uplifting to everyone? Did traditional folks tolerate the praise songs or were they uplifted by them? Did contemporary folks really embrace the traditional closing hymn or where they just ready to sing it and get on to lunch? Did the anthem from neither the stylings of our choir nor our band really bring us together? (God definitely moved through it, but could it have been better?) I wonder if we should take more teaching moments in a service like this (or in all services). How many times do we assume everyone in the room knows what is going on and what is expected of them. Or if they don't they'll figure it out once they've come to worship several times, cause it is always the same. What happens if we assume there is someone completely new to worship in the room every time we gather? Is there a way to truly have occasional blended worship experiences that are uplifting to everyone and glorifying to God?
We are testing out another manner of All Church Worship during the holidays this year. We're going to have one All Church Service on Christmas morning (Christmas is a Sunday this year) in our contemporary worship venue and style. Then, the next Sunday, on New Year's Day we'll have All Church worship in the traditional style in our Sanctuary. I hope that we come out of those two weeks feeling like we achieved holistic worship experiences that honored both styles, celebrated major holydays and brought us to worship worship all together. How is your church approaching the Christmas and New Year's Day are on Sunday challenge?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Music, new and old.

Here is some music for you to enjoy. It's a list of good congregational songs to do in worship. Some are very popular, some are not as much, but they all have youtube videos with them so you can see/hear what they are like. Some videos are amazing, some are just the recording with the lyrics on the screen. I hope you enjoy them.

1) "How He Loves" by John Mark McMillan
This is by far my favorite right now. David Crowder does a version, but John Mark wrote the song and does it much better, in my opinion. The video is almost as amazing as the song. This one also has an incredible story. The first link is the song, the second link is John Mark explaining the meaning behind the song. Watch them both, they are good.

2) "Hosanna" by Brooke Frasier (of Hillsong United)
I've done this song for years. You've heard it on Christian radio no doubt.

3) "Shine Your Light On Us" by Robbie Seay
Great song. Amazing dynamics, and a great song for prayer time or any slower song you want. The video is just some junk a fan put together, but it's a good recording of the song.

4) "Found" by Aaron Ivey
This is one of the guys who leads worship at Austin Stone Church now. This one would be great for a piano lead instrument, since that's what Aaron plays.

5) "Stronger" this is another Hillsong jam

6) "With Everything" by Hillsong united
This is my absolute favorite Hillsong number, but it's tricky and requires some audience participation to reach its potential. Have to have a group that knows how to worship with hearts abandoned. The video will show you what I mean.

7) "From The Inside Out" by Hillsong United

8) "I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous)" by Chris Tomlin

9) "Marvelous Light" by Charlie Hall

10) "Majesty" by Delirious?
The question mark is intentional. That's how they spell their band name.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Worship Curator

Often I'm asked what I do. This is one of the better descriptions of my intended purpose of my work. Does your worshiping community have a curator? What would change if someone were serving in this role?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

my hope is found.

Hello readers.

My name is Alex and I am another family member that has decided to write about worship, because I too have become enthralled in it. I am Evelyn's son and Kelly's younger brother. I live in Temple, Texas and work at First United Methodist Church directing contemporary worship and a couple other ministries.

Something was shared with me a few weeks ago and I thought I would begin my contributions by passing along a great song to you. Owl City is a fairly new band that I hope you have heard of. They are difficult to describe except as "electronic". I was shown this post in their blog which features a beautiful arrangement of "In Christ Alone". It is performed by Owl City's lead singer. I hope you enjoy.

"In Christ Alone"