Sunday, November 30, 2008


I love color. As our liturgical season changes so does that of our worship blog. We move to blue and purple. I prefer to accentuate blue in this season as purple is a dominant color for lent. (and I like blue. and if not in my favorite season, then never does it show up in the liturgical calendar) Blue for hope. Purple for royalty. Use them. Teach others why.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Henry Sloane Coffin - "If there is one characteristic more than others that contemporary public worship needs to recapture it is this awe before the surpassingly great and gracious God." Andrew W. Blackwood - "The time has come for a revival of public worship as the finest of the fine arts...While there is a call for strong preaching there is even a greater need for uplifting worship."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Canticle of Remembrance

As our Worship Leader read the names a child brought a white rose forward and put it in the vase. The single rose on the altar and tallest rose in the vase is for those who remain unnamed in our hearts.